A FREE Not-To-Miss Training Call with Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour, for ANYONE who FINALLY wants to take the next steps on their dreams and Execute!

“The Magic of Execution: Discover the Difference Between YOU and Everyone Else Who Just Dreams About It!”

Saturday, December 22nd at 2 PM EST/11 AM PST

2013 is right around the corner and it’s time to stop putting everything else before your Mission in life – it’s time to EXECUTE!

2012-10-20 Lisa Sasevich 2465IMAGINE – no more struggling on your own to “figure it out” and learn my proven battle-tested formula for achieving even your most challenging goals in life. Just enter in your name and email address and you’ll immediately be sent the call-in details.

Did you realize that there is a systematic approach to accomplishing Your Mission?

This training call is for you if:

  • You’re tired of ending each year just to make the same goals in the new year
  • You’re truly ready and in enough pain, to make the changes that are required to get to the next level
  • You want it given to you straight, none of that “touchy feely stuff”
  • You’re ready to break that next financial barrier

Yes! I’m ready to get serious about my Mission!

The problem is, most people let life get in the way of achieving their goals – they put everyone and everything else first.  And in waiting to have “enough time”, they tend to put getting the life that they want on the back-burner – or worse – they hit the eject button before they ever get off of the ground. (Isn’t it time to figure out your flight plan?) For all my woman entrepreneurs out there, it’s time to give yourself permission to build the company that’s going to provide the life of meaning and fulfillment you really want. Are you ready to build a team that can truly support you?

Now is YOUR time to execute!  But you have to know the process.  There is a difference between dreaming about what you want and actually launching your MISSION.

That’s why I’m hosting this FREE training call especially for you.  You see, I’ve inspired MILLIONS of people (thank you Oprah!) to get their butts in gear and achieve with my Breakthrough Mentality™.  And I’ve given them tools they can use to drop the excuses, create a plan of action and EXECUTE their MISSIONS.  Now it’s your turn!

“At a certain point, I felt stagnant, hopeless and discouraged… I didn’t know where my life was going. I felt like only certain people got to do what I wanted to do, which was work on the set at a major production studio.  I didn’t think it was possible for ME to do what I really wanted. It was just too far away, kinda like winning the lottery. It happens to some people, just not for me…the odds were just too high.  FlyGirl sees the world with limitless possibilities and puts things in perspective. She showed me that even though things seemed like a major risk to me, they were really just the next logical steps towards my destiny. She makes taking massive action that’s seemingly impossible feel like a no-brainer. With the genuine coaching and guidance from Vernice, I went from an aspiring camera operator that was working every once in a while, to working for 5 major television shows and Tyler Perry Studios. Her process shifted my perspective on what’s really possible…she changed my life.”
Tara McKinney
“Vernice helped me focus on the most critical, basic things to move forward with my business and life aspirations.  She showed me HOW to overcome the fear of not receiving a paycheck from a ‘job’ by simplifying what I needed to achieve in my business short-term to close that gap. Today, she guides me in shaping my progressive business practices into winning concepts for the people that I serve. It wasn’t easy and there were definitely tough times, but now I don’t have a pipe-DREAM, I have a pipe-LINE…full of my ideal clients!”
Dana Taylor, CEO & Chief Strategist - Business Development & Sales at Intelligent Ethos®, Inc

Here’s what we’re covering on this call:

  • Accomplishing your “Mission” with Clarity, Courage and Power!
  • The 3 simple questions that connect you straight to your purpose. (Yes, it’s time stop wondering and get this question answered once and for all!)
  • The fastest way to connect directly to that which you were put on the planet to do.
  • The #1 thing you can do to get all the help you need faster than you ever imagined.
  • Finally getting crystal clear on what you really want and exactly how to get it.

YES!  I’m ready to create my flight plan!


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If you’ve ever been on one of my training calls, you know that they are full of great information, inspirational and FUN.  By the time we’re finished you know you are ready to go out and take care of business.  It’s time to execute!

“FlyGirl’s dynamic business coaching approach to recognizing obstacles that you have not recognized ensures that you don’t give obstacles power, allowing you to achieve your desired goals.  Her sessions are engaging, provocative and intentional in crafting goals that are meaningful to your business objectives and strategies. FlyGirl provided the framework that was truly “Cleared Hot” in implementing tactics into a valuable plan customized for my business success. Her extensive pre-work to uncover my true business needs prior to our individual coaching sessions pushed me to step out of comfort zone and bring my A-Game to the table!”
Caroline Alexander, Healthpreneur & CEO of Vitality Cleansing, LLC
“Vernice, our recent 1-on-1 coaching session was as profound for me as was your experience with Les Brown. I met you in 2010 and have followed you on Facebook. When the opportunity to have a VIP session came up with you, I jumped at the chance. Fortunately for me, I was accepted and “VERNICE “FLYGIRL” ARMOUR” was calling me! I was astounded, in awe! Your ‘critical next steps’ and motivation to action have catapulted me onward and upward! Also, much like your situation with Les, I had to decide that investing in myself and my career far overshadow any sacrifice it will take to get there. I am so very thankful and blessed for the monumental impact a connection with you has made on my life. I very much look forward to our meeting again in Washington at your LIVE event and I’m ready for MY Gutsy Move! Let’s do it! Thank you for taking the time for me and for the many others whose lives you bless.”
Valerie Posthumus


So, kick 2013 into high gear with a PLAN! Register for the call, jump in the cockpit with me and take-off!

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Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour

Author of Zero to Breakthrough, Speaker, Business Coach and Entrepreneur

Upon completion of two tours in Iraq and leaving the military, FlyGirl launched VAI Consulting and Training, LLC. By applying the Zero to Breakthrough™ Success Model to her own company, she produced over six-figures in revenue within the first 12 months! Her goal in 2013 is to help at least 5 women entrepreneurs do the same thing!

As featured on Oprah Winfrey, CNN, Tavis Smiley, NPR and others, FlyGirl’s fresh style and presentation methods have inspired hundreds of organizations and individuals. Her phenomenal impact comes from an understanding of the passion and leadership required to excel. Through her keynotes, executive and group coaching, seminars and executive retreats, FlyGirl conveys messages of Zero to Breakthrough™ through her unique insight and life strategy: “You HAVE permission to Engage!”

Just enter your name and email address to discover The Magic of Execution.  Can’t make the call?  No problem!  You can still get access to the recording if you leave your information.


I’m pumped to share this information with you. See you on the “flight deck!”

Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour

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